An ERC-721 smart contract is used for minting the portals and assigning its traits.
During the spawning event, Portals are minted as an NFTs using the Metaportals ERC-721 smart contract. Ethereum was chosen for its premiere status as the NFT blockchain of choice and we look forward to its move to Proof-of-Stake, which will decrease transaction costs and drastically improve energy consumption.
Avatars, characters, loot and game play is managed by an ERC-1155 smart contract.
After the minting process for the Portals is complete, the ERC-1155 contract will be enabled to support the development of the metaspaces associated with the Portals.
The Morsel Network is used to manage metadata for all virtual objects and game play.
When Portals evolve, the metadata associated with each iteration is tracked on-chain using the Morsel protocol. An archive metadata file (Morsel pack) is generated for each iteration of the Portal, which is then hashed and stored on-chain.
Morsel packs are hosted on IPFS to ensure high availability and provenance.
IPFS provides peer-to-peer access to the signed metadata stored in Morsel packs that can be used for re-validating metadata being delivered by the Morsel API and displayed in the Metaportals interface.
"With Web3 architecture, you are not just a consumer. You are an owner!"
With Web3 architecture, you are an owner and consumer who participates in the decentralized economy's upside. Instead of just consuming goods and services from companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook, you become an owner and share in the economics of the network.